Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's be come sadly apparent that history class can hold my attention for a span of 20 minuets...tops. Toby's agreed to help tutor me, or help me BS the class, either way he's more of a master at either subject than I ever will be. Sociology however entices me, excites. Today I wrote this: *this was my responce to this weeks discussion board in Sociology, I've decided it makes a good tribute as well, if you're tagged I'm tribbuting this to you amazing souls who influence society rather than be influenced.*

It is society that draws every theory to a consensus. It is a majority of opinions that develop a belief. It is similar beliefes that create societies. To me it is not set in stone if any single individual can entirely resist influence of society; although there are those who can vastly influence, and are seldom to be influenced. Typically they are individuals who are not explicit to any specific society, travelers. They exploit the innocence of human nature (and are my every envy).

It is one’s comprehension of both them-selves, and the society in witch they live, that will lead to executive decisions such as choosing a career. It was my hobbies that lead me to my passion. Watching the mind of my students develop was so intriguing; I began to crave the knowledge to understand it.

When I read it to mom her response was: I think I only understood that last line. It's aggravating when you can't hold any sort of discussion with your mother, for multiple reasons. One, your opinions differ enormously. Two, the only input she can add is something (or some one) that makes you cringe. Three she's exhausted from work.

That's another thing that's become vividly apparent, I care far more to be involved in the life of my peers and co workers than I care to be involved in my family life. Evidently because everything in the house of my parents revolved around the Devil. And my mother is in serious denial of it.. and to say the least she's only doing damage for every one involved. Don't get me wrong, I love the kids and I'm trying the be their sister. But that's about all I can do, for now.. it's going to be interesting to see where time takes this.

Tomorrows agenda is packed so I better head to bed.

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