Sunday, May 1, 2011

Behavioral science, physical education and recreation.

It's funny how much we all complain about society, but no one ever really takes the time to fix it. As good old MJ put it "I'm starting with the man in the mirror." That man was a genius, I don't care how crazy people toke him for. Same with Emminem, his date line interview deemed him as either a mental job, or a extremely out standing individual.
I'm trying to work my way threw Dr. Melvin's book, a mind at a time. School starts this week, so if I don't do it now, it's never going to happen. Monday I'm getting my student credit card with Welsfargo, what a relief. I'm exhausted and the week hasn't even begun, this month might literally kill me. Full time school, working 4 jobs, helping Lori with the kids, quite a few social events to attend, and work on getting a job back down in Utah County (willing to bet Provo Care center). O and lets not forget that I'm now joining a dance crew, preparing for my MA/phlebotomy certification. I'll be thrilled once June arives.

This week I worked on packing/ scrap-booking. Made me relies how much I LOVE blogger, such an orinized way to maintain thoughts and memories. That's something I need to invest in, a lap top. As well as a back pack. Saturday after work I got to see Parker, I miss him. Last time we talked he was having difficulties with his parents miss placed accusations, and his ADHD. I gave him some of Melvin's medicine and his parents agreed. He is now doing home school, working, and making some huge bounds to growing up.

Today at work. Mark, one of my managers, told me I would have been promoted shorty if it wasn't for the fact that my availability sucks. Last night. Kezy and I plaid at Owen's, such a sweet heart. It was nice to cut loose, and alway nice to be with Kez. I hope I'm not as ignorant to my flaws as the vast majority of society is, I hope I posses enough humility to accept essential changes to better my relationships. I don't ever want Kez and I to become what Hannah has. I don't want to be the reflection of mothers husband, my older brother, and current room mate.. with selfishness. And in the same sense I will never sacrifice my dreams.

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