Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Things have turned up.

Well the next day was a much better day. All I remember from it thoe was staying up all night (7 am) at Coles apparent with Brandon, Hannah, and Blake. WHO is SO cute, and extremely quiet (Brandon told him I say that to every one, not true haha) That morning I slept for a bit then got to work an hour early. When I ran into Brianne who had just gotten back for spring break, we chatted for a while. After work I went on a long drive just to think. Then Sunday another sleep in day I wasn't feeling well and Jose finished my shift for me. After being tanterised by Stephs brother in Law Nick who found out about one of the nights I regret:
And then asked on a date, refused him. And then he threatened to kill me, I told him to stay the Fuck away and I'm going to the cops. He said he was sorry and he only has a crush on me, he really is sorry and will leave me along. blahblahblah. Brianne and I went on a long walk to Ondys house chatted with her for a while, the headed home. After Hannah called I went over to her place and we looked at peoples crap on my-space. It saddens me how fake people are :(. And then I relised that I wasn't being any better than the people I cannot stand in this world. So I sent Scot a txt, he responded again deflecting any of his fault (I'll put the conversation up later). I sent back calling him out on it all, he didn't respond. But then left a comment on my face book status:

I just want to know if rhere's any real people left in this world, besides myself.

Scot-no one is perfect sometimes to them they are being real as they can be. not everyone is as amazing as you are britt.

IDK what thats supposed to mean, but it sounds to me like a stab...jerk. Any way after not sleeping at all I went to school at 10, and ran some more erinds. Cheer at 3-5:30 coaching, then work. ANother trip to walmart, die my hair, home work, make posters, sleep at 5. Missed school :( and got woken up by Steph calling me for the posters. Ate some breakfast and headed to school to make up my work. When I watched Philadelphia  witch is one of the most amazing movies I've ever seeen! I'll put up my response once I get it back from my professor, Lara. More work, nap then a sleep over with Brianne! O how I've missed her!! AND guess who came over for a bit :) Blake :)) HES SO CUTE! But to damn quite. Ha so then I went to cheer where my girls made tremendous improvement and I've just finished up loading their photos/ videos for the banquet. Now I'm off this damn computer.

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