Monday, April 19, 2010


Okay, well not sure where I left off. My last blog was kinda vague. But I'll start with Friday, I'm pretty sure that was the last day. I got up around 1 then went shopping with Brianne, I got two cute pairs of Sandles, an adorable shirt, and a cute hat! Ran to Merit and picked out the design that Stephany C. and I are going to put on the girls shorts, then went to the mall with Hannah.
At the mall I got a call from Parker asking to hang out, then shortly after his mother called looking for him. I called him back trying to talk some sense into him, but it didn't work. After Hannah got her applications turned in and we did some window shopping, Arbys, then home till Brianne and the gang (Ondy, BryAnn, and Brianna) got to Bri's for marshmallows and a sleep over. While we were waiting Hannah messaged my back cause Thursday night we had gone tumbling and I was sore. That reminds me, Thursday night we (Hannah, Brandond, Cole, and I) all stayed up late talking about religion. It was one of the best nights of my life. Thoes boy's are simply amazing!
So then I went over to Briannes where I met up with the girls. I missed them so much! It's been much to long since High School. But even tho we've all grown and developed our lives, we're still the same caring genuine girls we've always been. It was so nice to catch up with them. They astound me! Ondy was telling us about her current boy friend, Eric (who I've known since High School), and how sweet and caring he his. I tried not to bring Austin into it, or really any of my ex's their all so sweet to me, I'm such a hard person to date haha.
Eric takes such good care of her, when ever she's stressed he'll 'bake' her stresses away, so to speak. And they go running every night, then stay up talking on the phone. He'll even read scriptures with her some times, because he can't concentrate at his place. One day he came and helped her changed the car battery during his lunch break, after they had kinda gotten in an arugement the night before. He really is perfect, and I'm pritty sure that they are going to get married, Ondy's concerned tho because he didn't serve a mission and her mother's made it a point to her that she doesn't approve of that. OKAY I'm sorry! But that drives me CRAZY, and that's why I can't stand Mormons! She could do FAR worse off, with even a return missionary. And not much better with any one elts in this world.
So I made it a point to tell Ondy that she shouldn't worry about it, and fallow her hart. She's been this amazing girl all threw high school. Fallowed all the rules and worked her ASS off! She's graduating early with an associates! She is in by curfew, she has a curfew and she's 18?! She does all her jobs, earns and budgets her own money! And I thought I was an angel...LORD!
Then there's BryAnn doing her home work on a Friday night and got up in the morning for study group! And Brianne is her sweet thoughtful, understanding self. Caring always about her friends, I love these girls, truly! Their should be more of them in the world. 
So then Saturday was uneventfull just work, but Jakie said something that made me LMAO! When the new coke kept dropping tot's claiming it was Jakie making him nervous, she responded: I must make a lot of men nervous, tot's aren't the only thing their dropping around me!! hahahahahahahahaha that coming from sweet Jakies mouth shocked me! She's the most innocent, caring, church going lady I know! Then when I got home and checked my space Hannah's friend Ryon added me, it was strange...

Goll I couldn't figure out how to comment you!! lol stupid!!!
What you been up to Brittany?? 
 Haha, so how'd you figure it out?? Ummmmm just working, school, coaching, meeting lots of adored people. Anything any college girl would be doing. You? ... Can I ask why you added me?
Cause I'm smart! =) haha
Idk why I did... I'll delete ya if it's such a big deal??
Where ya going to school? And for what? Coaching what?
I didn't say it was a big deal, just a little odd. Provo Community for a degree Medical Assisting; so that I can get a real job to pay for the rest of Medical School. I coach Cheer and Tumbling. Sooo can I ask what you're deal is with Hannah?? You don't have to answer and I will (regardless of your thoughts) keep it confidential. 
Ooh that's awesome! Hope it all works out for ya!
Hannah just got toooo attached. I didn't want to deal with the girlfriend stuff while I'm at school and not home. Know what I mean? 
Yea, entirely. But why couldn't you just tell her that? IDK I just don't understand why people don't tell the truth any more. I guess it's not my place, really it's not. Sorry for my intrusion. Thanks, how's school working out for you?
No you're fine! No biggy. It's not like I lied to her? I just... Idk. I thought she'd get all pist off about it when i told her so I didn't bother. So, I figured either way she'd be upset about it. I just didn't want to deal with any of it at all. I've had so much shit goin' on! School school school... Money... School school school... Etc.
It's going good though. I'm loving it.  

Hm, I don't think she'd freak out about it. I think she'd understand... IDK you're life, your choice. Money is hard to come by these days, except when you make bank in tips! ;)! haha. You have a job out there?
(his reply was asked to be delted cause it had his number)

Sunday I worked then stayed up all night with Hannah Studying and watching TV. She decided that she might try to get into SDU with me :))))! That would be awesome! We looked up everything we need, tests and all that and the dates! We're cruzing to our dreams.
So then I had school, got home, napped, & cheer. It was more or less frustrating. We had girls sick up the wazo, mouthy ones, and none of their heads where in the game, so we pulled in and just talked to end on a good note. Hopefully Wednesday will be better, competitions Saturday! Dinner, then off to Chraisma where it was a much better day. Two of the girls got their roundoff back tucks. Landon, Cherity, and the other two girls almost got their frunt ariles. Nikki almost has a side arile by herself. And every ones so self motivated and hard working. I love it there! After I took care of some bussness (getting messages for cheer's awards) and then picked up grandma for Ice cream, then she invited me in for some tea.  So today was a good day, this week was a good one. And theirs more to come! :)

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